
What do you hope your team members remember about you after

Journal #4 Prompt

Now that we are into the ninth week of the semester:

• If you could re-start this semester and this project, what would you do differently?

• As we begin Part 3 of your semester research project, reflect: what piece of the project have YOU taken and OWNED? In what area have you become an expert? How? Why?

• What do you hope your team members remember about you after the semester concludes? How can you reinforce this positive image?

• What are mistakes that you have made up to this point in this semester? How can/did you rectify them? Why?

• What have you learned from this project at this three-quarter-point evaluation that you can apply in your career?

Project outlines BSAD

Project #1:

Exploratory research: Individuals conduct background research on optimal web design and social media practices to market a student's on-line brand. Client: Students in Selling class BSAD 403.

Product: a brief written report to each client and to professor with afollow-up Journal assessment of project outcome; in-class discussion and debriefing.

Project #2:

Exploratory research: observation. Teams will conduct hidden, unobtrusive observation research.

Product: a brief written report to each client and to professor; individual and team follow-up Journal assessment of project outcome. In-class discussion and debriefing.Client, inter- and intra-peer feedback.

Project #3:

Descriptive research: Teams will utilize mobile devices and mobile survey apps to gather data on advertisements. Client: TBA; teams MUST pass IRB approval to conduct this research.

Product: a brief written report to professor; report to client TBD. In-class discussion and debriefing. Inter- and intra-group peer feedback.

Project #4:

Descriptive research: Teams will utilize the on-line survey software, Checkbox, through TruView to gather data on student awareness and attitude. Client: TBA; teams MUST pass IRB approval to conduct this research.

Product: a brief written report and oral presentation to class. Inter- and intra-group peer feedback on presentation.

Project #5:

Experimental research: Teams will conduct experimental research within the classroom setting; brief outline and oral presentation to class. Inter- and intra-group feedback.

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Marketing Research: What do you hope your team members remember about you after
Reference No:- TGS02481108

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