
What do you consider are the most important things to get

WEIGHT 30%LENGTH 1,500 - 2,000 wordsTopics See list below.InstructionsWrite an essay on one of the following topics, ensuring you cover the following points:1. A literature review of the relevant academic and practitioner literature. Ensure you have at least 5 academic references and 3 practitioner references making a minimum of 8 references in total. (After a brief, indicative literature review, you may choose to spread the analysis of the relevant literature throughout the whole paper as you discuss points 2 and 3 below).2. A discussion of your relevant professional strengths and limitations. What might be the challenges for you in applying the insights you have gained from the literature and classes? How could you meet these challenges? Refer to the literature as relevant.3. A discussion which relates the literature to your professional life and work context. The work context could be a past, current or possible future situation. How will you apply the insights and learnings from the literature and classes in your current or future endeavours as a change agent (whether as an explicit change agent, a manager, or more generally managing change at work)?1.· What do you consider are the most important things to get right in a successful change process?

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Management Theories: What do you consider are the most important things to get
Reference No:- TGS0667850

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