
What do you believe will be the most challenging aspect of

Read the statement below describing the DFPS overall mission and the role of select programs within the agency.

DFPS works with communities to protect children, the elderly, and people with disabilities from abuse, neglect, and exploitation. It also works to protect the health and safety of children in daycare, as well as foster care and other types of 24-hour care. They do this through investigations, services and referrals, regulation, and prevention programs, chief among them:

Child Protective Services - Protects children from abuse and neglect through investigations, services, foster care, and adoption.

Adult Protective Services - Protects the elderly and people with disabilities from abuse, neglect and exploitation through investigations and services.

Child Care Licensing - Regulates day care, foster care, residential treatment centers, before and after school programs and maternity homes.

Statewide Intake - Takes reports of abuse, neglect and exploitation from across the state via it's 24/7 hotline and website.

Now that you understand the agencies' missions and their chief roles, please write a personal statement to include at least one paragraph on each of the following key topics in the order listed:

What do you believe will be the most challenging aspect of working in protective services and why does it appeal to you?

How have your education, experiences and/or people skills prepared you to deal with the demands of protective services?

What do you hope to accomplish personally and professionally working for DFPS?

Your statement is vital to continuing in the process. Be thoughtful, on topic and expressive in your answers!

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Dissertation: What do you believe will be the most challenging aspect of
Reference No:- TGS01660586

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