
What do you believe the consequences be if a student is


1) GO TO: https://www.purdue.edu/odos/welcome/academic-integrity/ which is Purdue's Policy on Academic Integrity. Read the entire statement, then print the first page, and sign it. By signing, you pledge to abide by this definition of Academic Integrity. Include this signed copy as part of this assignment.

2) Write a brief (4-5 page TYPED) paper answering the following questions. For all questions, use the Dean of students definition of "Cheating" you read at the above website. Please list your answers a, b, c, etc. and answer all questions:

a. Briefly describe the most sophisticated or unusual method of cheating you have heard of.
b. What could be done to catch or prevent this cheating?
c. In general, what are the most effective methods a Professor can use to decrease cheating in his or her class?
d. In the courses you have been enrolled in during the past year, what proportion of the class do you believe cheated? (Be sure to use the definition of cheating provided in the above DoS website.)

i) In the class with the least amount of cheating I estimate _____% of students cheated
ii) In the class with the highest amount of cheating, I estimate _____% of students cheated.
iii) On average, in all of the classes I have been in during the past year, I estimate that _____% of students cheated.

e. What do you believe the consequences be if a student is caught cheating by using a crib sheet on an exam when crib sheets are explicitly not allowed in the exam?

f. What should the consequences be if a student is caught cheating by turning in a paper that was not that student's work (i.e. the paper was plagiarized)?

g. Should the penalties for cheating be the same or different if your grade is effected by others cheating? (For example, if the course is graded on a curve, other students in the class do cheat, but you do not cheat, then you are at a competitive disadvantage, and likely to receive a lower grade.)

h. Is it true that "Those who cheat only hurt themselves?" Why or why not?

i. Suppose that you observe another student cheating on an exam by using a small crib sheet, or a cell phone/iPhone/Blackberry, etc. Would you report this incident to the instructor? Why or why not?

h. Why do so few students (typically about 35%) fill out the University Course Evaluation at the end of the semester? What can be done to increase this participation rate?

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Other Subject: What do you believe the consequences be if a student is
Reference No:- TGS01110002

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