
What do you believe arc the reasons previous efforts to

Crying Wolf About the 'Big One' Hasn't Worked, So Let's Party Geologists Try a Light Touch and Sign Up Millions for an Earthquake Drill in L.A. By GABRIEL KAHN

The article, consider the following assignment and be prepared to work with your team to discuss the scenario and prepare a report:

a. What do you believe arc the reasons previous efforts to initiate earthquake awareness events have failed in the United States? In formulating your response, consider advice on project initiation presented in this chapter.

b. As a team, select an earthquake-prone part of the world that interests you. Possibili¬ties include, but are not limited to, the west coast of the United States, eastern Brazil, Japan, central China, Tibet, India, South Africa, the Philippines, Russia, and Italy.

Imagine that you have been assigned the task of creating an Earthquake Awareness Day in a major city within the region you have chosen. Use Internet sources to become somewhat familiar with earthquake history and risks in this city.

c. Prepare a project charter for your Earthquake Awareness Day. You will establish all of the parameters, including purpose, expected results, objective, sponsor, project manager, project stakeholders, deliverables, preliminary budget, pre¬liminary completion date, and a letter of your own creation from the mayor of your chosen city, who will be the project sponsor.

(You will need to do the appropriate research to determine the actual name of the mayor in the city you choose.) The assigned article should give you some ideas about content.

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Operation Management: What do you believe arc the reasons previous efforts to
Reference No:- TGS02757852

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