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What do you all think? Or is there another theory that might help us select variables that explain the cause of "societal dysfunction"?
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There is a journal of Religion and Science (British) that published a study in 2005 that said the more religious a country, the more societal dysfunction they experienced.
They conclude that of the nations studied, the US has the highest rate of "religiosity" and has the highest measure of "societal dysfunction."
In my on ground classes, I print off the abstract of that article, along with some charts from a book by David Barton called "The Myth of Separation."
In his book, Barton claims that the removal of prayer in school led to an increase in many measures of societal dysfunction. In his charts, he charts statistics on such things as crime, drug use and out-of-wedlock child birth.
My point in going through this is that we now have two theories of what causes societal dysfunction:
1. Not enough religion
2. Too much religion