Module 1 Descriptive Statistics and Distributions
In accordance with our focus for this first module, we are going to use our Discussion forum to do a bit of brainstorming and sharing of our insights and understandings of a few of the basics underlying statistics-as well as quantitative research methods.
1. What do we learn from the standard deviation statistic?
2. What is the difference between the SD and 95% CI?
3. As Normal distribution is a base assumption for most statistical tests, what should we do when distribution is VERY skewed (skewness divided by standard error > 3.3)? look into "transformations."
Sample VS Population: How do we attain that the sample will be a good representation of the population?
Module 2 The Research Method Cycle
How do the major constructs of the research cycle create a scientific, logical, and orderly flow between them?
If we omit ANY construct, will the "house still stand"?
Module 3 t test
When we report the outcome of a t test, we present the following:
- Group I - M, SD
- Group II - M, SD
- t statistic with its df
- p
2. Why do we need to report ALL four of the above to provide the WHOLE picture? Explain.
Explain each one's contribution to the WHOLE picture.
1. ANOVA-What is the reasoning for conducting post-hoc analyses?
2. ANOVA-When would you choose for your post hoc analyses the method by: Fisher's least significant difference (LSD), Sheffé's, or Bonferroni?
ANCOVA-the interpretation of ANCOVA outputs is not simple. What are we looking for in them to explain the effects of the IVs and Covariates on the DV?
Module 5- Chi Square
On examining the 2008 internal party election results in the great state of ABC, a Chi Square test for independence was conducted.
The two variables of choice were:
1. Candidate A (male) and Candidate B (male) , and
2. Voters' Gender: Females (n=2.6 million) / Males (n=2.5 million)
The Chi Square was very high and statistically significant, which means that for some reason there was a strong gender preference for one of the candidates.
This is the important part:
3. If you were to be a hopeful 2012 candidate for your party, what could you LEARN and SAY about the 2008 voting results in State ABC?
What could you not learn from it?