
What do we learn from the standard deviation statistic and

Module 1 Descriptive Statistics and Distributions

In accordance with our focus for this first module, we are going to use our Discussion forum to do a bit of brainstorming and sharing of our insights and understandings of a few of the basics underlying statistics-as well as quantitative research methods.

1. What do we learn from the standard deviation statistic?

2. What is the difference between the SD and 95% CI?

3. As Normal distribution is a base assumption for most statistical tests, what should we do when distribution is VERY skewed (skewness divided by standard error > 3.3)? look into "transformations."

Sample VS Population: How do we attain that the sample will be a good representation of the population?

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this module, the student will be able to satisfy the following outcomes:

o Review, differentiate, and be able to work with: Data, Data descriptives, and data distributions.
o Review, and differentiate between measures of central tendencies, skewness and kurtosis, and variable levels of measurement.

o Implement within a "real world" project :The definition of research questions and their derivative hypotheses; Examine data; perform appropriate statistical test: t test, ANOVA/ANCOVA, Chi Square; interpret and report results.

o Discuss basic underlying descriptive statistics: standard deviation, Normal distribution, Skewness, and Sample vs. Population.

General Course Activities

1. The activities listed here include get acquainted and some "housekeeping assignments" that will only occur in our first week as we get our class operational. Your timely responses are important to the well-being of all. Thank you.

2. Discussion - Prepare a brief self-introduction for your classmates. Post your self-introduction to the Discussion.

3. Elluminate Live - The synchronous conferences for this course are usually held once during the first week of each session module. Conference participation is included among the grading components. The focus of the sessions is to help you focus on the PRACTICAL points of the module and "How To" work with SPSS. As students are working adults located throughout the United States and some are international, I will conduct the session on ONE of these days: Wednesday or Thursday at 4pm PT, based on majority's convenience. Please send me an email stating the day(s) you prefer. Should you expect difficulties attending the synchronous (Elluminate Live) conferences, please contact me as soon as possible. If you are unable to attend any of the live conferences then you can review the archived session.

4. SPSS - you will need to purchase/rent a SPSS program in order to prepare your assignments. Please do so as early as possible so that you can start practicing with it.

Module Overview

1. In this module we will focus on: Data, Data descriptives, and data distributions.

2. In order to conduct ANY research, we need (in a nutshell) to define our research question (RQ), the variables/factors of interest, and plan an appropriate study design for our study. Then, we go out to the "field" and gather the data we need to address and answer our research question.

3. Once said data has been collected, we will need to review it for errors, missing datum, outliers, distribution patterns, etc., and if complete - we then prepare it for statistical examination.

4. The data tells us the "story" of the sampled subjects we had gathered and collected, and whether we are ready to proceed to the next level of hypothesis testing based on our database.

5. It is recommended that you FIRST view the modular Case and SLP assignments, and see what is required of you to do. With this in mind, review the Background page for reading and support materials.

Attachment:- Assignment Background.rar

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Applied Statistics: What do we learn from the standard deviation statistic and
Reference No:- TGS02591834

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