
What do we instead rely on to make inference from the sample


I. P - values are quite popular in health research as it helps us to identify the role chance played in that research. However, it does have a limitation as p - values only relate to the sample in that research and as health professionals we are also interested in the wider population.

What do we instead rely on to make inference from the sample to the population and discuss its purposes in health care?

II. Your mate plays Australian rules football in Country South Australia. Last weekend while playing footy, he badly sprained his ankle and had to come off the field. The local physiotherapist and general practitioner (GP) assessed him with a diagnostic test (Anterior Drawer Test) and they think he has torn the lateral collateral ligament of the ankle joint. Your mate however is not sure as he is in a lot of pain and wants to know if the test done by the physiotherapist and the GP is accurate or not. He has asked your help in this matter.

You searched the literature and have come across a study investigating the diagnostic accuracy of the anterior drawer test. In this study, 75 males with lateral collateral ligament injuries underwent the anterior drawer test and 68 obtained positive test result and 7 obtained a negative test result. Another group of 70 males with no lateral collateral ligament injuries also underwent the anterior drawer test and 58 obtained negative test result and 12 obtained a positive test result.

I. Use the information given and write down the values for true positive, true negative, false positive and false negatives.

II. Calculate and interpret the sensitivity and specificity of this test and based on those findings, what will be your recommendation to your mate regarding the accuracy of the anterior drawer test?

III. Your librarian tells you that UniSA Library Catalogue is not the ideal searching tool when looking for information relevant to evidence-based practice. She instead recommends databases such as Medline and Emcare. Do you agree or disagree with her and if so what are the reasons for this

IV. What does the term "evidence-practice gap" mean and please provide two examples of evidence-practice gap that you may be familiar with?

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Other Subject: What do we instead rely on to make inference from the sample
Reference No:- TGS03259996

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