1. What do we call the amount of time it takes the Earth to orbit the Sun?
2. At what time of year is the sun directly overhead at the tropic of cancer?
3. What is the latitude of the Tropic of Capricorn?
4. Which latitude on Earth's surface receives the most sunlight year round?
5. At what time of the year are the Earth and the Sun closest together?
6. What percentage of Solar radiation is reflected back to space?
7. What percentage of Earth's radiation is transmitted to space?
8. Which type of radiation comes from the Sun?
- infrared
- visible
- ultraviolet
9. What is the average composition of the atmosphere (with no water)? List the percentages.
10. What is the range in percent (%) that water can contribute to atmospheric gases?
11. In the image below, label the: Stratosphere, Troposphere, Ozone layer

12. List three known greenhouse gases in decreasing order of abundance (most abundant first):
13. What is average air pressure on Earth's surface at sea level in pounds per square inch and in atmospheres?
14. At what latitude is the polar front?
15. Which is greater, the heat capacity of the oceans or heat capacity of the land?
16. Winds that move from the ocean onto the shore are called onshore breezes or offshore breezes?
El Nino / La Nina-
17. Trade Winds stronger than normal. El Nino or La Nina?
18. Trade Winds weaken and possibly reverse. El Nino or La Nina?
19. Warm equatorial ocean currents move east. El Nino or La Nina?
20. Eastern equatorial oceans have high upwelling (surface waters pulled away). El Nino or La Nina?
21. Western equatorial oceans experience dry weather, fires, and drought. El Nino or La Nina?
22. Eastern equatorial oceans experience wet weather, flooding, and increased coastal erosion. El Nino or La Nina?
Atmospheric Circulation-
23. Sketch the pattern of atmospheric circulation and prevailing winds on Earth (draw cells and label all directions, and winds (Polar Easterlies, Trade winds, Westerlies).