
What do the words mean in the context of dismissing a class


Response to the following

1. Give examples of information revealed in Scripture that we would not know or that we could not be confident of if it were not in special revelation.

2. The present author (Edward M. Curtis, Transformed Thinking, Loving God With All Your Mind) once visited a Sunday school class where the Mizpah Blessing ("May the Lord watch between me and thee while we are absent one from another") was used as a benediction to dismiss the class.

What do the words mean in the context of dismissing a class? Look at the words in their biblical context (Genesis 31:49 --- include the context of the chapter and broader context of the Jacob and Laban story).

What do the words mean in the biblical context? Do you think it is appropriate (or biblical) to use these words to dismiss a class? Why or why not?

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Dissertation: What do the words mean in the context of dismissing a class
Reference No:- TGS01247046

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