
What do the melting points tell you about the bonds

Read through the Introduction in BOTH the course and in ChemLab. Some labs include some modification from the ChemLab instructions and if so, these modifications will be listed in our course with each lab.

Follow the Procedure as outlined in ChemLab.

Perform the lab, collecting the indicated data as noted in the observations section (create your own data table within your lab report collecting the specific data from this list).

Perform the various calculations with your collected data as listed in the lab's observations section and Create your own data table in MS Word or Excel to record your data.

Write a lab report of the lab within MS Word. (There is a "Sample Lab Report" and "Lab Report Instructions" files in week 1's course folder).

Include in your discussions the following:

  1. What are the correlations between the properties investigated and the type of bonds?
  2. What do the conductivity readings tell you about the bonds?
  3. What do the melting points tell you about the bonds?
  4. What does the solubility in ethanol and water tell you about the bonds?

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Reference No:- TGS0525654

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