
What do the eps and pe mean for each company what are the

Find or calculate the following information about these 4 companies (if the information is not avaiable tell me why).

Amazon (AMZN), Under Armour (UAA), Nike (NKE), Disney (DIS)

Stock price - use as of September 30th or in Nike's case use 8/31 if necessary

Amazon Stock Price $961.35 (as of 9/29, 9/30 is a Saturday market closed)

Under Armor Stock Price $16.48 (as of 9/29, 9/30 is a Saturday market closed)

Nike $51.85 (as of 9/29, 9/30 is a Saturday market closed)

Disney $98.57 (as of 9/29, 9/30 is a Saturday market closed)

Earnings per share (EPS) - use as of September 30th or in Nike's case use 8/31 if necessary

Amazon Stock Price .52

Under Armor Stock Price .12

Nike .57

Disney 1.14

Price Earnings (PE) ratio - use as of September 30th or in Nike's case use 8/31 if necessary

Amazon 244

Under Armor 34.33

Nike 22.06

Disney 17.42

Interpert the data you collected: What do the EPS and PE mean for each company. What are the commonalities and differences between the companies and why. Look at Under Armour vs. Nike. Can you compare, if so, how?

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Financial Management: What do the eps and pe mean for each company what are the
Reference No:- TGS02702882

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