Q1. User Story for someone who wants to do 1-Click purchase on Amazon. Include at least 3 Acceptance Criteria.
Q2. What do the 3 C's stand for (User Story)? Give a brief description of each.
Q3. You are a customer for a clothing website. There is a 70% Thanksgiving sale but because the discount is not listed anywhere on the website homepage, you are unaware. Write a User Story for adding the discount to the homepage. Include 3 descriptive acceptance criteria. HINT: Use "as a, I want, so that."
Q4. Why do we size User Stories using relative sizing and not exact estimates?
Q5. As a Scrum Master, what is your favorite Scrum event to facilitate and why. Provide at least a 3 sentence answer.
Q6. Your stakeholder is expecting a new brand release on your website in 2 weeks. Your team has accrued so much tech debt that to accomplish this, your brand release will be filled with bugs and latency issues to the end user. What do you tell your stakeholder? 3 sentence minimum.
Q7. The purpose of the Sprint retrospective is to:
Q8. Give at least 3 reasons why Agile is superior to Waterfall
Q9. What is your least favorite Agile principle and why (at least 3 sentences)?
Q10. Describe the role and responsibilities of the scrum master. Use at least 3 sentences.