
What do students gain from having holiday classroom parties

Do Holidays Belong in the Classroom?

With an increase in standardized testing and push-down curriculum more an more classrooms are taking out extras like classroom parties. At my children's school there is 30 minutes (the last of the day) set aside for parties during holidays. Traditionally, there are 3: Halloween, Holiday, Valentines bay.

For the purpose of THIS discussion board we Consider these three. Answer the Following Questions

1. What do students gain from having holiday classroom parties?

2. What are possible challenges to having holiday classroom parties?

3. How do you feel about these parties revolving around holidays? Does this exclude some people, could it be offensive to some? If it was entirely up to you, would you include traditional holiday classroom parties? Why or why not?

1- Use simple language and avoid using "I" or repeating the idea.

2- Answers the 4 questions and number the Answers in order with out including the questions in the file you work in

3- One page

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Dissertation: What do students gain from having holiday classroom parties
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