
What do numbers appearing in row labeled ssnl indx represent

What do the numbers appearing in the "Hard Values" area represent?

What do the numbers appearing in the row labeled "Ssnl Indx" represent?

Do you see a pattern in the "Ssnl Indx" numbers?
If you do see one, does it mean anything? If so, what?
In the Seasonal Indices what does 0.85 represent?
What does 1.06 represent?

Take a stab at forecasting the monthly numbers in the red row, then tell me how you did it. Explain why the 1.035 factor in the Forecast Values differs from the 1.033 factor in the Hard Values. Could Harley's forecasting tool be used in another business? What sort of business? How?

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Operation Management: What do numbers appearing in row labeled ssnl indx represent
Reference No:- TGS081746

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