
What do namis new jade-green rubber shoes signify


Answer the following questions. Each question has a story that needs to be read before answering.

Story: Mahamaya by Rabindranath Tagore

A. What advantage is there by having Mahamaya's beauty licked by the flames of the funeral pyre? Does it achieve Tagores intention as author?

Story: OH ... OH ... OH by ldrus

B. Would the situations in Oh ... Oh ... Oh ...! parallel those of our country during the Japanese regime?

Story: The Mole by Kawabata Yasunari

C. What can be the reason why the husband abhors this habitual gesture? Recount the ways she suggested that her husband must do to help her curb the habit. What finally broke her habit of fingering her mole?

Story: Name and The Taffy Man by O Yong-su

D. What do Nami's new jade-green rubber shoes signify? How essential are they to the denouement?

Story: The Story of Alay Devotee by Dharmasena

E. Do you agree with this statement of the Buddha: "There is no curing a person of his mental defilement without first curing him of his hunger"?

Story: HomeComing by Lin Huai-min

F. What feelings are evoked in Ch'i-hou by the atmosphere in their old home?

Story: The Cock by Tao Kim Hai

G. How significant is the cock in the story? Do you consider the first paragraph effective in preparing the readers for the conflict? Comment on the last paragraph as a fitting ending.

Story: The Food of Paradise by Ibn Amjed

H. Among the Mohammedans, mullah is a title of respect for one who teaches the sacred law. Delineate Mullah Ibrahim as a teacher.

Story: From Death Had Two Sons by Yael Dayan

I. To what does Daniel refer when he soliloquizes: "You are a common man, but you had an uncommon moment once, and this makes you very distinguished and special." explain.

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English: What do namis new jade-green rubber shoes signify
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