What do heritage and wylie mean

Assignment Task: Read the below quote by Heritage and Wylie (2018) from "Reaping the Benefits of Assessment for Learning: Achievement, Identity, and Equity":

In many parts of the world, there is an increased demand for effectiveness and equity in education and for the development of students who see themselves as lifelong learners to meet economic and social challenges. Assessment for learning (AfL) can play a significant role in achieving these three demands. The purpose of AfL is to inform learning, not to measure it or sum it up; it is assessment that focuses on learning as it is taking place, not at the end of a sequence of learning; and it is intended to move learning forward from its current status. There is ample evidence that when effectively implemented, AfL can improve learning for all students. (p. 729)

When writing your thread, consider and address each of the following questions. Be sure to include at least two references to support your responses within the past five years

  • What do Heritage and Wylie mean by "inform learning" in the above quote?
  • What is your view on the purpose of assessment?
  • What are your favorite types of assessment?
  • Based on what you have learned this week, do you agree with the above quote? Why or why not?
  • Does the above quote align with effective curriculum evaluation? Why or why not?
  • How would you apply this concept in your professional context as an educator?

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