
What do americans want from the police


Tennessee v. Garner

Research the Tennessee v. Garner case, then summarize the case and how it relates to the use of force.

The requirements for your paper are:

Create a 1-2 pages in length, excluding reference page

Double spaced, Times New Roman 12 pt. font

At least 3 supportive citations from this week's resources or independent research.

Essay Questions:

1. What do Americans want from the police?

2. What do Americans not want from the police?

3. There are 3 distinct styles of policing. These are concepts and are not etched in stone as any community can choose, mix, or match. What style(s) are used in your community and make sure to identify the type of community you live and why you feel that style(s) are being used. They are:

a. "Legalistic" - enforce the laws the same for everyone.

b. "Watchman" - maintain status quo, respond to more serious crimes.

c. "Service Style" - service is the main priority, only arrest when they have to.

4. A police agency has many options of units and positions, what factors do you feel influence or determine what and agency should have? Why?

Introduction to Law Enforcement

5. Why, in your opinion do you feel that detectives should be in plain clothes for all of their assignments?

6. Define discretion. Discuss the problems associated with police discretion. Include in your discussion an explanation of who has the most discretion in a police agency and why this is problematic.

7. There may be situations where a police officer, using his discretion, decided NOT to arrest and individual. Under what circumstances might this be an issue regarding liability for the officer, the department, and others?

8. What is "suicide by cop"?

9. If officers are armed whether on or off-duty, (not mandated to be armed off-duty), should there be any different restrictions regarding the use of force? Keep in mind, that when offduty, they would not be in uniform.

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Other Subject: What do americans want from the police
Reference No:- TGS01967461

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