
What dispositions do you feel are critical for teachers

Discussion Assignment Instructions:

Discussions are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, you must provide a thread in response to the provided topic for each forum. Each discussion thread must be at least 500 words and include a citation and reference in current APA format.

Discussion Prompt: In the Bialka (2016) article from this week's reading, teacher dispositions and other affective domains of teaching diverse learners are addressed. The Liberty University School of Education has stated the dispositions it feels candidates must possess. The Liberty University School of Education Conceptual Framework and dispositions can be found.

What is your opinion on this issue? What dispositions do you feel are critical for teachers? How do you propose they should be assessed?

According to Bialka (2016), dispositions are a combination of one's actions with their beliefs, which culture, morals, values, and reflections may influence. In addition, these dispositions are also affected by a person's knowledge and skills (Bialka, 2016). The article continues to speak about how educators' backgrounds and beliefs can have a significant influence on their teaching styles and their students' perspectives of them (Bialka, 2016).

I think that allowing educators, especially those in pre-service, time and space to acknowledge and understand these factors about themselves will help them grow. Education programs put so much emphasis on what the teacher needs to give and provide for their students. However, oftentimes, there is not an opportunity for teachers to self-reflect and self-evaluate, so I do agree that that is a critical part of becoming a better educator. The article emphasizes that not doing this during pre-service may lead to teachers never getting a chance to in the future, which made me recall that I was not a very reflective teacher until one of my previous principals required me to be. It took a while to look within myself honestly enough to make necessary changes because it was not something I was used to, but now self-reflection is a regular part of my practice.

At Liberty University, the School of Education's dispositions are as follows: social responsibility, commitment, reflective practice, integrity, and professionalism (Conceptual Framework, n.d.). I think these dispositions align with some of the primary qualities that schools and school systems require of their employees. As educators, we must be fair and equitable, as well as committed to our scholars and our profession. Additionally, maintaining high levels of integrity is directly related to professionalism. In terms of assessing these dispositions, I do agree with Bialka (2016) about creating a safe space for educators to have the chance to dialogue with each other about their beliefs and possibly pairing that with a survey to get their brains thinking.

Sometimes talking with others allows us to see or acknowledge our biases and gain insight from others and how they may see us.


Bialka, C. (2016). Beyond Knowledge and Skills Best Practices for Attending to Dispositions in Teacher Education Programs. Issues in Teacher Education, 25(2), 3-21.

Conceptual Framework: School of Education: Liberty University. School of Education. (n.d.). Retrieved March 7, 2023

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