
What disease is currently under a gene therapy trial


A. How much of human DNA actually codes for proteins?

B. Audrey Winkelsas is researching the gene that causes what disease?

C. Which gene specifically was Ms. Winkelsas trying to impact?

D. What did researchers find out when searching for a gene for schizophrenia?

E. What crucial but surprising piece of information was discovered about cancer in 2005?

F. What two genes have been associated with an increased risk of breast cancer?

G. How many differences in our amino acids do modern humans have compared to Neanderthals?

H. What have we discovered about the history of Homo sapiens, modern humans, and Neanderthals?

I. What happened to humans 80,000 years ago, according to our DNA?

J. What disease is currently under a gene therapy trial?

K. How many genetic diseases are there?

L. What is the method by which bacteria identify and destroy little snippets of viral DNA stored in their own DNA?

M. What are some of the ethical dilemmas concerning biotechnology and gene therapy?

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