What discoveries did you make


The purpose of the critical thinking journal is to develop your ability to improve your thinking, analyze arguments, consider the credibility of sources, and refine your viewpoint. "Critical" does not mean negative. Instead, it means curiously looking at things, attempting to understand them fully, being analytical and open to changing your mind about ideas, and thinking in new ways.

During this course, you will be assigned three critical thinking journal assignments. Each assignment will entail watching a relevant assigned documentary and then completing a critical thinking journal entry. Your entries should generally be between 500-1000 words. Avoid reviewing/providing a narrative on the content of the film. The goal is for you to take a stand for yourself on the topics presented. What discoveries did you make, and why do they resonate with you? What are your personal opinions and why?

Topic: YouTube Video: "POOR NO MORE Documentary feat. Mary Walsh"

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