
What differentiate a benign tumor from a malignant tumor

Assignment Task: Respond to the following:

1. What features help to differentiate a benign tumor from a malignant tumor?

A benign neoplasm is distinguished by its gradual proliferation, encapsulated structure and lack of invasive properties, indicating that it does not invade adjacent tissues or spread to distant anatomic sites. In addition, the cellular composition of benign tumors usually resembles that of the corresponding normal cells of the original tissue and is characterized by well-delineated margins. In contrast, a malignant neoplasm is classified as cancerous and shows rapid and uncontrolled growth, infiltrating surrounding tissues and spreading through the circulatory or lymphatic systems in a phenomenon called metastasis. Malignant cells are atypical, with enlarged nuclei and decreased cytoplasmic volume, and tend to develop into tumors with irregular and ill-defined borders. While benign tumors generally have a favorable prognosis after removal, malignant tumors present a more significant health risk because of their aggressive nature and because they are prone to recurrence (Mancarella & Scotlandi, 2020).

2. What tissues give rise to a carcinoma, a sarcoma, and a lymphoma? Need Online Tutoring?

Carcinomas, sarcomas and lymphomas originate from different tissues of the human body, underscoring their biological and clinical heterogeneity. Carcinomas are derived from epithelial cells, which constitute the lining of the integumentary system and internal organs, including the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract and glands. This category of neoplasm is the most prevalent and accounts for approximately 80 to 90% of documented cases. In contrast, sarcomas arise from mesenchymal tissues and include bone, muscle, cartilage, adipose tissue, blood vessels and connective tissues such as tendons and ligaments. Although less common than carcinomas, sarcomas can occur throughout the body and are particularly prevalent in the extremities and abdominal cavity. Finally, lymphomas originate in lymphocytes (T or B cells), which are crucial components of the immune system. These malignancies predominantly affect the lymph nodes and associated organs of the lymphatic system, where abnormal lymphomatous cells accumulate and proliferate uncontrollably. Each of these cancers has distinctive characteristics based on their tissue of origin and associated clinical behaviors (National Cancer Institute, 2021).


Mancarella, C., & Scotlandi, K. (2020). IGF2BP3 From Physiology to Cancer: Novel Discoveries, Unsolved Issues, and Future Perspectives. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 7.

National Cancer Institute. (2021, January 1). What is cancer? (nciglobal,ncienterprise) [cgvArticle].

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