Research Question:"How do the factors influencing programmed and nonprogrammed decision-making processes differ, and how do these differences impact the effectiveness of decision outcomes?"
Part 1: Mapping Your Topic - jot down the first words that come to mind about your topics and put them in the center. Working out, write down words or ideas that are similar to the topics you started with that come to mind off the top of your head. Try not to think too hard and write down the words even if it does not make sense right away. Sometimes your brain can make connections that might surprise you!
Part 2: Cubing Your Topic - Not sure where to go next with your topic? Try looking at it from different perspectives by answering the following seven questions. 1. Describe it: 2. Compare it: 3. Associate it: 4. Analyze it: 5. Apply it: 6. Argue for it: 7. Argue against it: Part 3. Purpose and Audience 1. What is your purpose? Are you trying to inform? Convince? Describe? 2. What does your audience need to know? What do they already know?