
What differences and similarities did you observe between

Observational Exercise : Leadership Vision


1. To understand the way visions are constructed by leaders in ongoing groups and organizations

2. To identify strategies that leaders employ to articulate and implement their visions


1. For this exercise, select two people in leadership positions to interview. They can be leaders in formal or informal positions at work, at school, or in society. The only criterion is that the leader influences others toward a goal.

2. Conduct a 30-minute interview with each leader, by phone or in person. Ask the leaders to describe the visions they have for their organizations. In addition, ask, "How do you articulate and implement your visions?"

Leader #1 (name) ________________________________________

Vision content Vision articulation Vision implementation

Leader #2 (name) ________________________________________

Vision content Vision articulation Vision implementation


1. What differences and similarities did you observe between the two leaders' visions?

2. Did the leaders advocate specific values? If yes, what values?

3. Did the leaders use any unique symbols to promote their visions? If yes, what symbols?

4. In what ways did the leaders' behaviors model their visions to others?

Reflection and Action Worksheet

Leadership Vision


1. Stephen Covey (1991) contended that effective leaders "begin with the end in mind." These leaders have a deep understanding of their own goals and mission in life. How would you describe your own values and purpose in life? In what way is your leadership influenced by these values?

2. Creating a vision usually involves trying to change others by persuading them to accept different values and different ways of doing things. Are you comfortable influencing people in this way? Discuss.

3. As we discussed in this chapter, effective visions can be articulated with strong symbols. How do you view yourself as being able to do this? Are you effective at generating language and symbols that can enhance a vision and help make it successful?


1. Based on your score on the Leadership Vision Questionnaire, how do you assess your ability to create a vision for a group? Identify specific ways you could improve your abilities to create and carry out visions with others.

2. Good leaders act out the vision. Describe what ideals and values you act out or could act out as a leader.

3. Take a few moments to think about and describe a group or an organization to which you belong presently or belonged in the past. Write a brief statement describing the vision you would utilize if you were the leader of this group or organization.

Observational Exercise : Establishing a Constructive Climate


1. To develop an understanding of how leaders establish a constructive climate for a group or an organization

2. To identify how specific factors contribute to effective group performance


1. For this exercise, you will observe a leader running a meeting, a practice, a class, or some other group-related activity.

2. Attend a full session of the group and record your observations below.

Observations about the structure (organization) of the group:

Observations about the group's norms:

Observations about the cohesiveness of the group:

Observations about the group's standards of excellence:


1. In what ways did the leader make the goals of the group clear to group members?

2. How did the leader utilize the unique talents of different group members?

3. What were some of the positive and negative norms of this group? How did the leader reinforce these norms?

4. How would you evaluate, on a scale from 1 (low) to 5 (high), the cohesiveness of this group? In what ways did
the leader promote or fail to promote the esprit de corps in the group?

5. A key factor in promoting standards of excellence is rewarding results. How did the leader reward group members for achieving results?

Reflection and Action Worksheet

Establishing a Constructive Climate


1. Based on the scores you received on the Organizational Climate Questionnaire, what are your strengths and weaknesses regarding establishing a constructive climate for a group or an organization? Discuss.

- Strengths:

- Weaknesses:

2. How did you react to the example in this chapter (pp. 167-168) of the service-learning group that developed cohesiveness? In what way do you think cohesiveness plays an important role in groups? Have you ever experienced cohesiveness in a group yourself? Discuss.

3. In this chapter, group rules and norms are stressed as being very important to effective teams. Do you agree with this? Explain your answer. Briefly comment on your own desire and ability to adapt to the rules of a group.

4. An important aspect of establishing a constructive climate is giving recognition to others. Is rewarding or praising others something that would come easily for you as a leader? Discuss.


1. Imagine that you have been chosen to lead a group project for your class and are preparing for the first meeting. Based on what you have read in this chapter, identify five important actions you could take to help establish a constructive climate for the group.

2. This chapter argues that establishing a constructive climate demands that the leader be a role model for how group members should act. What three values are important to you in a group? How would you demonstrate these values to group members?

3. High-performing teams have strong standards of excellence. Discuss your level of comfort with encouraging others to "keep the quality up." What leadership behaviors could you strengthen to encourage others to work to the best of their ability?

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Operation Management: What differences and similarities did you observe between
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