
What difference is demonstrated between how the world

Contemporary World Esther



The principle of the Contemporary World is that texts are part of communication processes that are trying to do something. First, one may focus on the internal structure, argument cohesion, and themes of the text. Second, one may focus on the relationship between the recorder of Esther's story (narrator) and addressee (the Hebrew community). It is appropriate to analyze what presuppositions are shared (both stated and implied) by the addresser and addressee, i.e. what do they both believe about the world and their relationship.


Along with the historical and literary world worksheets, this assignment forms the foundation for the Signature Assignment for the course. The main concern in this set of questions is to identify what effect the author wants to have upon his audience by telling the story of Esther. In thinking about this effect, it will be helpful to think about the original audience the author addressed, and the issues they faced, and then think about the issues we face, and how the solutions or insights the author provides might look in our context. So, for example, trusting in God's provision in that hierarchical context will look a bit different than trusting in God's provision in our more egalitarian, democratic context, and yet the underlying purpose of the author, regardless of context, is to inspire faith in God's willingness and ability to provide.

Your responses to these questions should be written in paragraph form and should be detailed and well developed, such that the final product should be between 500-600 words.

STUDY QUESTIONS FOR The Contemporary World

1. How did this story address and affect people of faith in that culture and how does it address people in our contemporary culture (how might contemporary people of faith be in a kind of exile?)

2. What does the book of Esther have to say about the use of power especially in relation to status and role, and how does the shift from the power structure of Esther's culture to that of our culture affect who we understand this message?

3. What difference is demonstrated between how the world practices "leadership" and how God's people practice "leadership"?

4. Identify some concepts from The Serving Leader and In the Name of Jesus that you can relate to your reading of Esther?

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English: What difference is demonstrated between how the world
Reference No:- TGS01101815

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