This is for a public speaking class. It would be great if you could help me do peer evaluations for the following motivational speech. After reviewing the video/caption, please answer the following question.
A. What did you understand to be the need (problem) that the speaker addressed in this speech? How well did the speaker describe that need?
B. In your opinion, how important and urgent is that need?
C. What did you understand the proposed solution to be in this speech? Was it clear, reasonable, specific, and something that individuals could do to make a difference?
D. What evidence did the speaker offer to support their proposed solution? How strong was that evidence?
E. How convinced are you that the proposed solution will help solve the problem? Why?
F. How motivated were you to take the speaker's recommended action? Why?
G. Was there anything about the descriptions of the problem or solution or the call to action that they could have handled better? If so, how?
H. Which of the five canons do you think were the speaker's strongest canons in this speech and why?
I. Which of the five canons do you think the speaker could have improved upon and why?
J. Based on this speech, what advice would you give the speaker about motivational speaking that they might do in the future?
Jason Meye: When you think about shopping, you probably think of the various big businesses like Walmart and Target calls. Best Buy
Jason Meye: you get the I.
Jason Meye: But what you may not think of at first is all the small businesses that exist around that.
Jason Meye: As a matter of fact.
Jason Meye: the total of the total market space. A significant portion is made up of big businesses Jason Meye: from restaurants to corner stores.
Jason Meye: You can find them pretty much anywhere in the United States.
Jason Meye: and once you look over the current situation with wealth transfer
Jason Meye: why you should support small businesses over the big ones.
Jason Meye: and the various benefits that you and your community will find with them.
Jason Meye: I think that you'll find that supporting small businesses is an excellent choice you can make for your day-to-day life.
Jason Meye: according to Florida, a data journal substituted a website dedicated to statistic aggregation
Jason Meye: due to the recent pandemic lockdowns.
Jason Meye: big corporations have increased
Jason Meye: in value
Jason Meye: by 57% in just 2 years.
Jason Meye: Meanwhile, according to I'm a Gosh!
Jason Meye: A reader from a writer from the World Economic form
Jason Meye: 34 of small businesses
Jason Meye: that closed during the lockdowns
Jason Meye: are still closed.
Jason Meye: So while Walmart is still getting bigger and bigger.
Jason Meye: small businesses are just
Jason Meye: going away.
Jason Meye: So the problem with this is that it removes consumer choice.
Jason Meye: And
Jason Meye: really just.
Jason Meye: you have one choice, Walmart.
Jason Meye: So with things where they are.
Jason Meye: what should you do about this?
Jaon Meye: Well.
Jason Meye: you could start, or if you already do continue
Jason Meye: shopping small businesses.
Jason Meye: Well, it is true that Walmart does tend to have better prices.
Jason Meye: You can find that there are still plenty of benefits from shopping small.
Jason Meye: for J
JasonMeye: small businesses do tend to have better service.
Jason Meye: and do tend to care more about you, leaving satisfied.
Jason Meye: after all, they need you
Jason Meye: As a matter of fact.
Jason Meye: according to the Forbes rider, Joseph Lustberg.
Jason Meye: small businesses offer better customer service.
Jason Meye: and
Jason Meye: pretty much paying them goes right back into your community as a
Jason Meye: you see, with big businesses.
Jason Meye: When they pay taxes they pay taxes in the state they are in, not you.
Jason Meye: So, hey? Wal, Martin.
Jason Meye: the tax will go to wherever our headquarters is.
Jason Meye: Meanwhile, if you pay for Joseph's
Jason Meye: happy shopping center at the corner of the wall.
Jason Meye: then the tax money is going right back into your community.
Jason Meye: you know. It may be pretty hard to find them, or at least sound that way. However, there are plenty of resources to do so.
Jason Meye: This has a back to Basics project, which is a website that
Jason Meye: pretty much just tells you any small businesses located in an area
Jason Meye: we have had this transaction in the last 24 h.