
What did you think about this exercise and approaching goal

Discussion :

Step1.watch this video

Why you should define your fears rather than your goals-Tim Ferriss

Step2.Answer this Question almost 100 words

Question:Share one idea or point in Tim Ferriss' talk that stood out to you as well as why.

Step3.Answer all of the question below

Assignment : Fear Facing Exercise

Based on model presented in Tim Ferriss talk

Step 1:Begin by thinking of a goal that is important to you but for some reason you have not attempted it.


What could go wrong if I fail.......

What I could do to prevent that from happening .....

How I could repair the situation if the consequence happened...










  • In the first column, write down all of the things that could go wrong should your attempt fail. Think of the most terrible things possible.
  • In the second column, determine ways that you can mitigate the possibility of each of those bad consequences from happening.
  • In the third column, think of how you would recover from each of the scenarios you imagined and wrote in the first column.

You are invited to add columns in order to write as many things related to the goal you have identified.

Step 2: What might be the benefits of partial or full success of this goal?

Step 3: The Cost of Inaction. How might your life be impacted (physically, emotionally, mentally, financially, etc) by NOT acting on this goal? Include at least 3 potential "costs" and areas of impact.




Step 4: Reflect

Much of the literature focuses on goal-setting but the data shows that more often than not individuals are not successful in attaining their goals.

Have you set goals before? Did you accomplish your goal? Why or why not? Provide an example.

What did you think about this exercise and approaching goal orientation from a different direction? Did you prefer the WOOP model from last week?

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Operation Management: What did you think about this exercise and approaching goal
Reference No:- TGS02507973

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