What did you particularly find interesting in their posting

Discussion: External Environment Analysis

For the topic, conduct additional outside research (in addition to your reading assignments). Investopedia, Wikipedia, and other ‘pedias' are not considered to be rigorous, academic research references. I'd encourage you to use the NLU library for your research. Be sure to cite your research references in APA format.

For your Glo-Bus company in the simulation, which of the 5 competitive forces in the Michael Porter Article is creating the strongest competitive pressures on your company?

Be sure to list the competitive force along with an example to explain the pressure on your company.

After your post, carefully read your classmates postings and comment on your classmate's postings. Was their posting about clearly supported? Why or why not? If so, what did you particularly find interesting in their posting? If not, what would you add to enhance their posting?

The response should include a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Business Management: What did you particularly find interesting in their posting
Reference No:- TGS03007373

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