Assessment: Reflective Learning Journal
Task Description:
You are required to maintain a record of what you have learned from readings, lectures and class discussions and incorporate them in a written report of 1800 words (plus or minus 10%), excluding cover page, contents, references and appendices.
The report is to comprise three main components:
1. Reflective observation - what you consider you have learned from the course:
• What did you notice or learn that you want to remember?
• How did what you have learned relate to your previous personal/professional experience?
2. Abstract generalisation - your conclusions from the learning outcomes:
What conclusions, principles, or guidelines can you draw from what you have learned from the course?
• About what you have learned from the topics covered?
• About your prior assumptions regarding the topics covered?
• About yourself?
3. Application - how you are going to apply what you have learned from the course:
• To future academic assignments (this course and/or others)?
• As a change agent/leader in the workplace?