What did you like most about your peers paper-nbsp what

Read the given paper.

The paper topic is : "Emoji: Bridging Cultural and Generational Gaps".

and answer the question.

1. What did you like most about your peer's paper? What parts seemed most interesting and/or enjoyable to read? (100 words)

2. Were the ideas developed enough? Were there any areas where your peer could use more explanation or description? How would you improve these areas? (Regardless of whether you think they were well developed or not, find a way to improve things. There's always room for improvement, so "Nothing" is an unacceptable answer.) (100 words)

3. Were you able to follow the organizational structure? How could this be made clearer? (See that thing about room for improvement above.) Were there any places where it seemed unclear where your peer was going with their ideas? Give at least one example to illustrate your point. (100 words)

4. check to see that your peer has included and labeled the following components: (100 words total)

  • Definition of concept
  • Statement of personal interest in the topic
  • Background information on topic
  • Description of projected deliverables
  • Projected process for completion

5. Make sure that your peer has included and labeled these essential parts: (100 words total)

  • Introduction that presents the art or design concept. After reading the introduction, you should have a general understanding of your peer's concept and what shape it would take.
  • Summary of research that recaps for the reader your peer's investigation into the topic and explains how it has informed the direction he or she is taking with their concept. This should be included in the "Background information on topic" section.
  • Conclusion that reflects on where your peer is now in terms of his or her concept, what your peer has learned so far, and where he or she still wants to go. It should leave the reader with some final thoughts and give a sense that your peer is confident that he or she could develop the concept further and see it through to its completion.

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Essay Writing: What did you like most about your peers paper-nbsp what
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