
What did you like most about doing the interviews - what

The paper will be typed and double-spaced, submitted electronically via Blackboard You will need to address the following items in your summary:

Who were the people you interviewed. Names need not be used but some type of descriptor such as "family friend", "grandparents who have been married for.", "sister and brother-in-law", etc.

What did you like most about doing the interviews? Why?

What, if anything, did you learn?

What did you find to be most surprising from the responses you were given? Or what type of response were you expecting that you did not receive?

How has this assignment enhanced your learning?

Additional information you want to share regarding this assignment Choose one of the stages to interview a couple

Married less than five years with no children

Married for five to fifteen years with at least one child.

Married for twenty to forty years.

Married for over forty years - to the same spouse. . Either one or both of the couple have been divorced and remarried Questions to ask of each couple: (in addition to length of marriage) . What type of rituals and/or traditions do you have in your family?

Did these come from either one of your backgrounds? Or did you create the tradition after you were married?

Who handles the finances in your marriage? How did you make that choice, and why did you agree that they should be the one to handle the finances?

What has been your greatest difficulty in your marriage? . What do you do when there is a major decision to make?

What would you identify as the strength(s) of your family?

What do you think is the most important ingredient(s) for a successful marriage?

What advice would you give to a person who is preparing for marriage?

What do you do as a couple to ensure you have time for just the two of you? (i.e. "date night", overnight every three months, go out to dinner once a week)

What things do you do on a regular basis to keep your marriage strong and healthy? (What are some "big things," and what are some "little things,"-small kindnesses that you do?)

What would you say is something you do in your relationship that is unique to just the two of you?

In what area do you feel you have had to make the greatest compromise?

Do you/Have you set goals for your marriage/family? Can you give examples?

Additional question for those married less than five years with no children:

About ½ of newlywed couples have serious doubts during their first year of marriage about whether their marriage will last.

Have you experienced any of those feelings?

If so, how did you deal with those feelings? Additional question for those married over forty years:

What do you think has been the basis for your marriage lasting for this long? Report addresses the following:

Who were the people you interviewed. Names need not be used but some type of descriptor such as "family friend", "grandparents who have been married for.", "sister and brother-in-law", etc.

What you like most about doing the interviews and why?

What, if anything, did you learn?

Did you notice anything about family rituals or family practices that was consistent with the couple or that was unusual or unique? What was it and why was it notable?

What you found to be most surprising from the responses and/or what type of response you were expecting that you did not receive

How has this assignment enhanced your learning?

.Additional comments re: responses to the questions asked.

Note: You do not need to provide a "word for word" documentation of interview answers, however, your summaries, themes, rituals, etc. should be thorough with plenty of examples directly from the interviews themselves Format of the report:

o Typed and double-spaced, submitted electronically via blackboard o less than five grammatical errors

o Length can vary, but the report minimum should be at least 1250 words

The one I choose was married five to fifteen years, with at least one child. Just basically making up the interview.

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Essay Writing: What did you like most about doing the interviews - what
Reference No:- TGS02559071

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