
What did you learn from your interview

Assignment task:

Name: (Name)

Title: Developer

Organization: Microsoft

Topic preventing company from cyber attack

Research: Conduct a brief interview with an expert on your topic. Use the resources in your Exploration page to help you prepare your interview. This interview can be in person or via telephone or email. An in-person interview is always most valuable, but is not always feasible. Be sure to contact your expert right away to get your interview time scheduled! P r  e p a r e your questions before the interview, but also be ready to go in a different direction if your interview takes an interesting turn. Be sure to take careful notes as you interview. You might want to record it (be sure to get permission first, though).

Think: What did you learn from your interview? What interesting perspective did this expert offer that you hadn't gained from a printed source? 

Write: In your discussion post, include the name, title, and organization of your expert. Interpret the interview results and write a summary paragraph of the most important aspects. In a second paragraph, evaluate the information you gained from the interview. How has it changed or added to your understanding of the topic?

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