
What did you learn from this video focus on the overall

Once again, you will view a TED Talk video that is directly related to the course content this week and then reflect on what you have learned in a graded blog activity. This introductory activity will help you to think about and explore the meaningfulness of the course content covered in the module, especially as it relates to the cultural factors that play a role in keeping children healthy.

Begin by watching the TED Talk by MriamSidibe, The Simple Power of Handwashing [Video file, 11:41 mins].

Next, reflect on your own thoughts and ideas about the content of the video by writing answers to the following:

  • What did you learn from this video? Focus on the overall health of young children from ages 2 - 6.
  • What are the factors influencing whether children are healthy or not? Identify sociocultural characteristics that play a role in children's health.
  • Identify at least one unique strategy you think could be implemented to keep children healthier.

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Dissertation: What did you learn from this video focus on the overall
Reference No:- TGS02239052

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