
What did you learn from the interview this must span beyond

Article 1 : Is Your Company Culture Too Strong?

Article 2 : Welcome Aboard (But Don’t Change a Thing) by Eric McNulty

Interview Reflection - You must select a focused concept from class and apply it to your future career context. To do so, I am asking you to get out of the textbook or scholarly readings.

Instead, you must identify one person to interview about how your chosen concept manifests in their own work. It is up to you to select a focused concept/topic, informant and design appropriate interview questions.

Your informant needs to work for an organization (corporation, nonprofit, governmental, etc.). You must select a non-Purdue employee or student. They can be an alumnus, but not a current employee or student. Selecting a current

Purdue employee or student will result in the grade of zero. Your deliverable is a one-page paper (Times New Roman size 12 font, double spaced).

Do not include a title page. The first line of your deliverable must include your name. The second line of your deliverable must begin the first paragraph. Your deliverable needs to include the following categories:

(1) Who did you interview (name, title, organization)? What concept/topic did you choose? Why does it make sense to discuss this concept/topic with your chosen informant? This section should be three sentences long.

(2) What did you learn from the interview? This must span beyond the course content. It can reinforce, extend or challenge course discussions.In any case, you must include concise statements about what you learned.

(3) How can you apply this new knowledge to your future career through an observable action? An observable action is one that I can literally watch you perform. The words think and consider are bad choices here.

When graded, the grader will ask the questions is this an appropriate application of what was learned and is the discussion focused on an observable action.

You will submit this assignment through Blackboard. Emailed or hard copies will not be accepted. It is your responsibility to confirm that your paper is correctly uploaded on Blackboard.

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Dissertation: What did you learn from the interview this must span beyond
Reference No:- TGS02505548

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