Part 1: Personality
Select 2 of the following videos and respond to the questions below:
Genes and Personality
Rise of the Introverts
Are you a Thrill Seeker?
Respond to the following questions:
List and discuss at least 4 personality research findings presented in the videos that you selected. (Provide research finding(s) from each of the videos; 4 total.) What did you find most interesting about the videos that you selected? How can you apply what you learned to (understanding) yourself and others? Include a "real world example in your response to the latter. Support your observations with information from the assigned textbook reading, Personality.
Part 2: Social Cognition
Watch the following 2 videos and respond to the questions below:
Project Humanities: Fear and Prejudice
Scientific American Frontiers: The Hidden Prejudice
Respond to the following questions:
Discuss your reaction to the videos and list and describe at least 4 "highlights" from each video that you found most interesting (2 for each video: 4 total.) What prior knowledge did you have about prejudice/bias prior to watching the videos and completing the assigned readings? Provide specific examples from the videos in your response and be sure to include an example(s) from "everyday life." Reference assigned readings from Psychology in Our Social Lives chapter to support your observations/perspectives.
Part 3: Social Influence
Watch the following 2 videos and respond to the questions below:
Stanford Prison Experiment
Migram Obedience Study
Respond to the following questions:
Discuss your reaction to the videos and list and describe at least 4 "highlights" from each video that you found most interesting (2 for each video: 4 total.) What prior knowledge did you have about conformity and obedience prior to watching the videos and completing the assigned readings? Provide specific examples from the videos in your response and be sure to include an example(s) from "everyday life." Reference assigned readings from Psychology in Our Social Lives chapter to support your observations/perspectives.