
What did you enjoy most about hospital week what would you

Critique the same instrument or survey that you discussed, redesign the instrument and provide new instructions for how the instrument should be implemented. Account for random sampling and bias this time.  Explain why the changes you made address these two issues.  How might the implementation of the tool change?  Does changing the implementation or design of the tool affect the quality of results that you obtain?  Include a copy of your revised version of the instrument or survey.

The assignment this week requires you to critically evaluate the survey tool that you discussed in the week four discussion board and recommend changes to the survey instrument and implementation process. Your paper should address the content and organization of the survey tool, the data collection process, including how the sample for the survey is selected, the sample size, as well as any strategies the organization uses to maximize the response rate. Bias can be introduced into the data either by a selection bias (how the sample is selected or not selecting a large enough sample), by a non-response bias (this is based on the return rate - a low return rate equals non-response bias), by a response bias (this is affected by how the questions are worded or organized), or by a reporting bias (how the organization reports the survey results). The areas you need to address to account for bias would be the survey questions, sampling methodology, the size of the sample, and survey return rate. Any of these areas that you feel could be improved to control for bias should be addressed in the assignment. You could also identify any survey questions that could be worded differently, deleted or added to strengthen the content validity of the tool.

Here is the survey to use - https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/HRBYYFC

1. Overall, how would you rate Hospital Week?

I did not care for the Hospital Week activities.   

I did not participate in the Hospital Week activities.        

I enjoyed some of the Hospital Week activities.               

I enjoyed all of the Hospital Week activities.

2. What did you enjoy most about Hospital Week?

3. What would you like to see done differently?

4. Were you aware of the Hospital Week dates and activities as advertised in The Pulse, email messages and posted materials?



5. Did you enjoy the activities during Hospital Week?



6. Did the times of the activities work well with your schedule?



7. Do you work:

 Day shift

 Night shift

 Weekend shift

8. Did you feel like your department was included in the Hospital Week activities?



9. Do you have any other comments regarding Hospital Week?

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Dissertation: What did you enjoy most about hospital week what would you
Reference No:- TGS01496771

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