I would like you to write about what you learned from working on this project. What did you find challenging? How did you overcome those challenges? What would you do differently in the future? In writing your reflection, be sure to support your points with specific examples.
Select some of the following questions as a guide to your reflection. The questions you answer will depend on what you found challenging and what you learned from working on the project. For example, if you had no trouble working with your group, then do not write about group work.
A. Did you encounter difficulties working with the group? How did you resolve those difficulties? How might you change your approach to group work in the future?
B. Did you have trouble finding a news article? Was it challenging to understand the article? How did you overcome any challenges in reading comprehension? Did you consult other sources or discuss the article with your group?
C. Did you struggle with time management? What did you do to address time management challenges? What might you do in the future?
D. Did you feel confident presenting? What would it take for you to feel more confident presenting your ideas?
E. What did you learn from observing other groups presenting? Did any groups or presenters "stand out"? What made them effective at speaking?
F. How did you contribute to the other groups' presentations? Did you ask questions or comment about their articles? What was the "most interesting" thing that you learned from listening to/participating in the other groups' presentations?
G. What was your biggest "takeaway" from the article that you read? Did it help you to understand a course concept or make connections to other classes? What did it make you want to learn more about?