Judging Reflection Paper-
Now that you have judged at a high school speech tournament, it's time to reflect over the experience and examine what you learned.
Write a minimum three-page paper over the experience. Type it in a 10-12 character-per-inch font and use one-inch margins Be sure to include an introduction that explains what events you Judged and previews the points in the paper Also include a conclusion which summarizes the paper and ends with something that is thought provoking Be sure to spell-check and proofread Minor ink corrections are acceptable This should be an essay, not a list of answers to questions.
In the body of the paper answer the following questions
WHAT? (What went on?)
1. What did you do at the tournament? Identify several debates/events you saw. Describe them in some depth Why did you like them or dislike them?
2. What feelings did you experience and/or what feeling or impressions changed as a result of your experience?
SO WHAT? (What does this have to do with learning?)
3. What did you learn about speaking from this experience? Here, compare your knowledge/skill to what you saw. What did the students do that you need to imitate? Why? Did the students do anything that you would not want to imitate? Why?
4. What did you learn that could make you a better speaker?
NOW WHAT? (How does this experience make a difference in the grand scheme of life?)
5. Do you feel that this experience makes a difference? If so, how?
6. What insights have you gained about yourself?
7. How will this experience be valuable to you in the future?