
What did you believe was the purpose of being assigned


Your enrollment experiences in a special education program during high school and obtain recommendations on any changes needed. I am particularly interested in your thoughts on the potential unintended consequence on an individual's self-esteem and self-worth as an adult now pursuing a college education.

A. What did you believe was the purpose of being assigned to a special education program that you were enrolled in?

B. At the time, did you agree with the criteria used to determine your placement in the special education program? Why/Why not?

C. What changes in determining the need for assignment may be useful in improving the special education instruction program?

D. What impact, if any, negative or positive, did being assigned to a special education program during high school have on your interaction with others?

E. What unintended consequences, if any, do you believe can evolve in an African American's adult life from the experience of being enrolled in a special education program the entire time in high school?

F. What teacher-specific interventions (e.g. teacher training, diversity, cultural awareness, etc.), if any, need to be introduced to enhance African American males who are assigned to special education programs, experience during high school?

G. What role do you believe being assigned to the same special education program curriculum because of an "emotional and behavioral" problem versus a "learning disability" may contribute to feelings of self-worth or low self-esteem?

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Other Subject: What did you believe was the purpose of being assigned
Reference No:- TGS03229975

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