
What did thoreau have in common with john thornton in the

1. Thoreau's night in jail for tax delinquency resulted specifically from

A. his revulsion and disgust over the U.S. invasion of Mexico.

B. a decision to act on his belief that least government was best government.

C. having moved his place of residence from Concord to Walden Pond.

D. the publication of his work Civil Disobedience.

2. At first, Sojourner Truth was happy to have many children because

A. it took her mind off her problems.

B. they could help her with her daily tasks.

C. it provided more slaves for her owner.

D. they were the only things that gave her joy.

3. A grandson of the slave master John Ardinburgh declared that a "good funeral" for Bomefree would include a jug of whiskey. Sojourner Truth saw the jug as offering

A. sin over atonement.

B. too little too late.

C. mere hypocrisy.

D. an opiate for slaves.

4. In "Life without Principle," Thoreau writes, "I would have had him deal with his privatest experience, as the poet does." What does this statement mean?

A. Courtrooms are places where people traditionally lie.

B. People should speak from their hearts and say what's on their minds.

C. People talk only about trivial things.

D. Speeches should employ figurative (poetic) language to get their points across.

5. Matthias is an example of a/an

A. cult leader.

B. runaway slave.

C. typical slave owner.

D. pagan god.

6. Sojourner's vision of God is an example of a/an

A. exterior narrative.

B. myth.

C. epiphany.

D. simile.

7. Thoreau believes that people should work because

A. it will give them time to think about important things.

B. it will keep them out of trouble.

C. they love what they do.

D. God said so in the Bible.

8. As in Hawthorne's "Young Goodman Brown," the autobiographical story of Sojourner Truth is written on all of these levels, except

A. interior narrative.

B. dramatic narrative.

C. social commentary.

D. exterior commentary.

9. The Narrative of Sojourner Truth was written down by

A. Isabella Baumfree.

B. Charles Ardinburgh.

C. Robert Matthews (Matthias).

D. Olive Gilbert.

10. "Yonder sky has wept tears of compassion" is an example of

A. alliteration.

B. assonance.

C. consonance.

D. personification.

11. The religious revivals of nineteenth-century America included people who became very excited, claiming that God spoke to them directly. These people were called

A. literalists.

B. enthusiasts.

C. revivalists.

D. Bible beacons.

12. Thoreau writes that people should be "mining themselves for gold." By this he is stating, in another way, the ideal of Socrates, which was to

A. deny thyself to learn what is valuable.

B. know thyself.

C. put first things first.

D. live and let live.

13. What does Seattle say about integrating white and Native American cultures?

A. It can be prevented only if the tribes unite to fight the whites.

B. It's going to be difficult, but it's the only way both cultures can survive.

C. It will be impossible, because the two traditions are too different.

D. It will happen naturally when the railroads open the West to the whites.

14. Thoreau writes, "When our lives cease to be inward and private, conversation degenerates" to become

A. a fantasy about a fiction.

B. mindless and sterile.

C. mere gossip.

D. seeking an advantage over others.

15. What did Thoreau have in common with John Thornton in The Call of the Wild?

A. A dislike of government

B. A love of hunting

C. An enjoyment of solitude

D. A mistrust of religion

16. For Sojourner Truth, deciding which parts of Scripture came from those who wrote the Bible, and not from God, depended on

A. the authority of theologians.

B. her mother's Bible lessons.

C. her inner witness.

D. her feelings about slavery.

17. When Tecumseh says, "Where today is the Pequot? Where the Narragansetts, the Mohawks?" he is

A. implying that these tribes aren't as brave as their reputations suggest.

B. boasting that his tribe had conquered these tribes and can do the same to the whites.

C. indicating what happens to tribes that don't unite against the whites.

D. asking why all the tribes haven't come to the council.

18. Tecumseh's "Let the white race perish" speech is

A. a satire on the white race and its traditions.

B. a plea to the people's reason.

C. a logical list of reasons why the whites should be resisted.

D. an appeal to the emotions of his listeners.

19. In "Life without Principle," Thoreau writes, "If my wants should be much increased, the labor required to supply them would become a drudgery." What does this statement mean?

A. Work is meaningful only when you think about what you'll be able to do with the money you earn.

B. The more you have, the more you want.

C. Slavery was wrong because it meant that some people worked hard to satisfy other people's wants.

D. If you don't want much, you don't have to spend as much time being miserable working to get it.

20. The statement "There was snow on the ground, . . . and a large old-fashioned sleigh was seen to drive up to the door of the late Col. Ardinburgh" is an example of

A. exterior narrative.

B. social commentary.

C. interior monologue.

D. metaphor.

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