Using the article Non-Breeding Season Events Influence Sexual Selection in a Long-Distance Migratory Bird
Matthew W. Reudink, Peter P. Marra, T. Kurt Kyser, Peter T. Boag, Kathryn M. Langin and Laurene M. Ratcliffe.
Remember, when authors report statistics, the most important parts are the degrees of freedom (or sample size), the test statistic (e.g., a t value in a t-test or an F value in an ANOVA), and the p value.
A. For each prediction, provide the specific test result and whether or not the results are statistically significant.
B. Based on the results, what did the investigators conclude? Were their predictions supported?
C. What do you think was the most informative graph/table from the study? Paste it below and describe what the figure revealed.
D. The paper you read was published in 2009, just when this now-burgeoning field of study was beginning. Next, go into Google Scholar and use the search terms "carry-over effects" and "birds." Find a paper that was published in the last two years, provide a full citation of the paper, and explain how the results support or refute the findings of Reudink et al. 2009.
E. Reudink et al. (2009) describe how winter habitat quality can carry over to influence reproduction. Describe a way in which events during breeding may carry over to influence events during other parts of the year.