
What did the fundamentalists have in common


Respond to one of the following prompts, as well as to a response/reply post of at least one other student. Each of your posts must be a minimum of one paragraph in length and follow the guidelines listed in the Discussion Forum rubric in the syllabus. The intent of the Discussion Forum is to stimulate critical thinking and intellectual discourse. In other words, just relating what happened or what someone did is not enough to earn full credit. You must show cause and effect: because X happened, Y occurred, and because Y occurred, Z resulted. To successfully do this in only one paragraph, you must really analyze the prompt, then deconstruct it to find the essence of the question that must be answered. Choose your words carefully. Before you do anything, the first question you must ask is "Why did Professor ask this question?"

This week you are again required to use, and correctly cite, at least one outside source (not your textbook or Learning Materials) in your original response to a prompt. Parenthetically citing sources is typically only appropriate for direct quotes (i.e. something a person says, not something written in your source unless they are one and the same) or when a source has information that is uncommon or controversial (i.e. England won the American Revolution). However, in this case, any information you find in an outside source should be parenthetically cited because it is not common knowledge to the rest of the class (unless they used the same source!).

i. Discuss the global manifestations of religious fundamentalism in the 1980s. What did the fundamentalists have in common and how were they different?

ii. How and why did the Reagan administration reverse two decades' concensus on the need for greater protection of the environment?

iii. Describe the Iran-Contra scandal and discuss Americans' reactions to both Oliver North and President Reagan?

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