
What did the cvscale reveal about your cultural values how



Submit a 2- to 3-page proposal describing your cultural experience. Your proposal should address the following questions:

1. Intended contact culture group

a. What is the identified culture group with which you are planning to have contact? Be specific.
b. Provide a brief description of any contact you have previously had with this group.
c. Briefly explain why this target group qualifies as a culture group.

2. Intended new cultural activity

a. Briefly describe your new cultural activity.

b. Does your intended activity meet all requirements of the assignment (see expectations below)? Provide some details to justify your answer.

c. Will this activity allow you to have meaningful contact with members of the intended target culture group? Briefly explain.

d. What is the planned date, time and approximate duration of the activity?

3. General

a. Have you selected a secondary contact group and cultural activity as a backup? Please describe briefly.
b. Do you have any questions about the project? Please describe.

Assignment Expectations

Here are the requirements-or parameters-of the exercise:

1. Provides information concerning the date(s) and place where this experience will take place.

2. The selected experience should be novel. The intent of this case is to provide a kind of "lab" where you can apply your learning in a new setting.

3. The experience must be with a group or culture that is largely unfamiliar to you.

4. You should not be in a position of authority or dominance vis-à-vis the target group. For example, you should not be a customer in a restaurant, or interacting with individuals who have lower rank than you in an organizational setting. Power can influence behavior, and we want to keep power relationships in check to provide the most meaningful type of interaction.

5. The experience should allow for meaningful one-on-one contact with members of the target group. Thus it is recommended that you do not choose an impersonal spectator event such as a large festival, parade, or sporting event.

6. The experience must be a minimum of 2 hours in length to provide you with enough material for analysis.

7. The experience must not be illegal or place you at unreasonable physical or psychological risk.

8. You need to be able to provide evidence of the experience (such as photographs or a video).

9. Have a second choice experience in mind in case your first choice does not meet the above parameters and is not approved.


In this module, you will be measuring your personal cultural values and comparing it to Hofstede's dimensions of culture for the culture in which you live. Please start by filling out the following instrument: CVSCALE: The Five-Dimensional Measure of Personal Cultural Values. Then reflect on the following questions:

CVSCALE: The Five-Dimensional Measure of Personal Cultural Values

Yoo, B., Donthu, N., &Lenartowicz, T. (2011). Measuring Hofstede's five dimensions of cultural values at the individual level: Development and validation of CVSCALE. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 23 (3/4), 193-210.

Indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each statement. There are no right or wrong answers-just give us your honest opinion.

Score 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 7 (Strongly Agree)

Score (1-7)

People in higher positions should make most decisions without consulting people in lower positions.
People in higher positions should not ask the opinions of people in lower positions too frequently.
People in higher positions should avoid social interaction with people in lower positions.
People in lower positions should not disagree with decisions by people in higher positions.
People in higher positions should not delegate important tasks to people in lower positions.

PO Total 0

It is important to have instructions spelled out in detail so that I always know what I'm expected to do.
It is important to closely follow instructions and procedures.
Rules and regulations are important because they inform me of what is expected of me.
Standardized work procedures are helpful.
Instructions for operations are important.

UN Total 0

Individuals should sacrifice self-interest for the group (either at school or the workplace).
Individuals should stick with the group even through difficulties.
Group welfare is more important than individual rewards.
Group success is more important than individual success.
Individuals should only pursue their goals after considering the welfare of the group.
Group loyalty should be encouraged even if individual goals suffer.

CO Total 0

It is more important for men to have a professional career than it is for women.
Men usually solve problems with logical analysis; women usually solve problems with intuition.
Solving difficult problems usually requires an active, forcible approach, which is typical of men.
There are some jobs that a man can always do better than a woman.

MA Total 0

Score the following from 1 (Extremely unimportant to me) to 7 (Extremely important to me)
Careful management of money (thrift)
Going on resolutely in spite of opposition (persistence)
Personal steadiness and stability
Long-term planning
Giving up today's fun for success in the future
Working hard for success in the future

LT Total 0

Note: PO = Power distance, UN = Uncertainty avoidance, CO = Collectivism, MA = Masculinity, and LT = Long-term orientation

1. What did the CVSCALE reveal about your cultural values?

2. How does this compare to your own country's values according to Hofstede's research?

3. What other insights about cultural values have you gained from this questionnaire, the readings, and other aspects of the course so far that will be valuable to you in leading across different cultures?

The following article may be helpful to you in interpreting your results and reflecting on the insights from this assessment on leadership:

Yoo, B., Naveen D., &Lenartowicz, T. (2011). "Measuring Hofstede's Five Dimensions of Cultural Values at the Individual Level: Development and Validation of CVSCALE," Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 23 (3/4), 193-210.

SLP Assignment Expectations

• The journal is a cumulative document-you turn in all previous entries with each module,

• Include the results from the assessment in your journal.

• Each module should add 2-3 pages.

• The journal should be thoughtful and insightful, integrating learnings from the assessment with other activities in the module and course.

• The format for the journal is less formal than an academic papers (e.g. you can use the 1st person), but you should use headings to organize your thoughts and guide the reader and cite any sources where you are using information, data, or text from an outside source.

• Any references should be prepared in APA format in a combined reference list at the end of the journal.

• Your journal should be edited and error-free.


Using specific examples of "human resources" or "human relations" as they are defined by Bolman and Deal, you will use the Human Resources Frame as a lens through which you will analyze the effectiveness of the Walt Disney Company.

Begin the Module 2 Case by visiting the Walt Disney Company website:

The Walt Disney Company. (2014).

Then, read the following:

So just how does Mickey make magic? The following article discusses how Disney's excellent employee performance is recognized. Note the section entitled "Disney Recognition 101":

Ligos, M. (2009). How Mickey makes magic. Successful Promotions, 42(5), 44-47. Retrieved from EBSCO - Business Source Complete.

Case Assignment

After you have reviewed the contents of the Walt Disney Company website, completed the readings provided at the Background page of Module 1, and performed additional research from the library and on the internet, write a 6- to 7-page paper in which you do the following:

Using the following assumptions of the Human Resources Frame, complete an in-depth assessment of the Walt Disney Company:

• Organizations exist to serve human needs rather than the reverse.

• People and organizations need each other. Organizations need ideas, energy, and talent; people need careers, salaries, and opportunities.

• When the fit between individual and system is poor, one or both suffer. Individuals are exploited or exploit the organization-or both become victims.

• A good fit benefits both. Individuals find meaningful and satisfying work, and organizations get the talent and energy they need to succeed.

Keys to the Assignment

The key aspects of this assignment that are to be covered in your 6- to 7-page paper include the following:

• Describe Walt Disney's approach to human resources. Is Disney's overall approach to human resources more or less effective relative to its ability to help the organization accomplish its stated purpose (vision, mission)? Explain.

• Using Bolman and Deal's Human Resources Frame, analyze two or three human resources/ human relations characteristics of the Walt Disney Company. Because you cannot cover all characteristics that are related to human resources/ relations in a short paper, you will need to be selective; therefore, choose two or three characteristics that are of particular interest to you. These might include, for example the Walt Disney Company's benefits design, its employee orientation/training programs, or its employee evaluation systems.

• For each of the human resources characteristics that you have included in your Case, discuss the extent to which that characteristic has been effective or ineffective relative to helping Disney to attain its stated purpose. Defend your answer in the context of the four assumptions given above (how well do the two or three human resources/ relations characteristics you've identified ascribe to these assumptions - if at all)?

• Having had applied the Human Resources Frame to the Walt Disney Company, is there anything that you would you do differently? Conclude Chapter 3 of your paper by giving recommendations as to what you believe Disney should do, and explain why.

• The background readings will not give you all the answers to the Case. Therefore, you are expected to perform some research in the library, using a minimum of 3-4 scholarly sources from the library to support and justify your understanding of the case.

• Your paper must demonstrate evidence of critical thinking. Please do not restate facts - instead, be sure to interpret the facts you have accumulated from your research.

• Remember that the Module 3 Case will serve as Chapter 3 of your session-long thesis-style paper.

Assignment Expectations

Your paper will be evaluated using the following five criteria:

• Assignment-Driven Criteria: Does the paper fully address all Keys to the Assignment? Are the concepts behind the Keys to the Assignment addressed accurately and precisely using sound logic? Does the paper meet minimum length requirements?

• Critical thinking: Does the paper demonstrate graduate-level analysis, in which information derived from multiple sources, expert opinions, and assumptions has been critically evaluated and synthesized in the formulation of a logical set of conclusions? Does the paper address the topic with sufficient depth of discussion and analysis?

• Business Writing: Is the paper well-written (clear, developed logically, and well-organized)? Are the grammar, spelling, and vocabulary appropriate for graduate-level work? Are section headings included in all papers? Are paraphrasing and synthesis of concepts the primary means of responding to the Keys to the Assignment, or is justification/support instead conveyed through excessive use of direct quotations?

• Effective Use of Information (Information Literacy): Does the paper demonstrate effective research, as evidenced by student's use of relevant and quality sources? Do additional sources used in paper provide strong support for conclusions drawn, and do they help in shaping the overall paper?

• Citing Sources: Does the student demonstrate understanding of APA Style of referencing, by inclusion of proper end references and in-text citations (for paraphrased text and direct quotations) as appropriate? Have all sources (e.g., references used from the Background page, the assignment readings, and outside research) been included, and are these properly cited? Have all end references been included within the body of the paper as in-text citations?


In the Module 2 SLP, you will write a 3- to 4-page paper in which you will apply the Human Resources Frame to the organization in which you are currently employed (or in which you have worked previously).


The Module 2 SLP requires that you write a 3- to 4-page paper, in which you address the following:

After giving a brief description of the organization in which you presently work - or in which you have previously worked - apply the Human Resources Frame to the organization, analyzing the effectiveness of two or three human resources/ human relations characteristics you have identified.

Keys to the Assignment

The key aspects of this assignment that should be covered in your paper include the following:

• Briefly describe your organization - name, what it does, size (number of employees, annual revenue, relative market share, etc.);

• Choose 2 or 3 human resources activities within your organization (e.g., recruitment, evaluation, development, training, etc.); and

• Using Bolman and Deal's Human Resources Frame as a lens, discuss the relative effectiveness of the human resources characteristics you have selected. If you were CEO of your company, what (if anything) might you do differently? Why would you make the changes you suggest?

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