
What did the assessing your stereotypes instrument reveal

Module 3 - Case


Case Assignment

In this module, you will engage in your cross-cultural experience.

To document your experience, prepare a 5-minute video or a PowerPoint presentation with photos (at least 6 slides) describing the experience.

This assignment should be strictly factual, as if you were preparing a news story on the event. You want to convey to the reader the look and feel of the contact experience or event.

Concentrate on "who, what, when, where, and how." The "why" question is what we will focus on in the Module 4 Case Assignment.

Assignment Expectations

• Your presentation should be professionally prepared, as if you were making a presentation to your boss.

• Presentations should be thoroughly edited and error-free.

• Any photos should be accompanied by descriptions naming the participants and circumstances.

• PowerPoint presentations may include voice-overs or other audio (e.g., music representative of the culture.)

Need pictures and description of the San People/Culture. Thank you

Module 3 - SLP


The SLP for this module involves taking a look at the stereotypes we have of our own culture-and that of another culture. Begin by assessing your stereotypes by filling out the following instrument: Assessing Your Stereotypes. Then, in your weekly journal, reflect on the following questions:

1. What was the score for your own group? For the other group?

2. What did the Assessing Your Stereotypes instrument reveal about the stereotypes you hold about your own and the other culture?

3. How can the concept of social identity be used to explain your scores?

4. What other insights have you gained about stereotypes from this questionnaire, the readings, and other aspects of the course so far that will be valuable to you in leading across different cultures?

The following reading on Social Identity Theory may help you address questions 3 and 4 above:

McLeod, S. (2008) Social Identity Theory. Simply Psychology.

SLP Assignment Expectations

• The journal is a cumulative document-you turn in all previous entries with each module.

• Include the results from the assessment in your journal.

• Each module should add 2-3 pages to the journal.

• The journal should be thoughtful and insightful, integrating learnings from the assessment with other activities in the module and course.

• The format for the journal is less formal than academic papers (e.g., you can use the first person), but you should use headings to organize your thoughts and guide the reader and cite any sources where you are using information, data, or text from an outside source.

• Any references should be prepared in APA format in a combined reference list at the end of the journal.

• Your journal should be edited and error-free.

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