
What did it mean to be unclean in palestine during the year

Students will submit a three to four page paper (750-1000 words) based on Life in Year One. The writing assignment is worth 200 points; there are 1000 course points. Late papers will not be accepted. You must submit your completed essay assignment as a Word document attachment in the assignment dropbox.

If I cannot open the assignment, I cannot grade the assignment, which mean s a "zero" grade. You cannot pass the course without submitting the writing assignment. Students who fail to submit the essay will be dropped from the course for non-participation. This means that you will receive either a "W" grade.

You should not need to use any outside sources. You may use my lectures or the course textbook as supplementary sources. However, you may not use Wikipedia or other online sources. Since I have stipulated this in my assignment guidelines, using those sources would constitute a violation of the Darton State Honor Code.

In your papers, you must provide Turabian-style footnote citations for all quoted material and surround quoted material with quotation marks. Please follow the Turabian/Chicago Manual of Style format. Emory and UGA provide brief stylistic guides that are accessible for free via the web.

Failure to provide proper documentation, in this case, Chicago-style footnotes, constitutes plagiarism. Plagiarism is the theft of words or ideas that belong to someone else. Just because something available in print or accessible online does not mean that it is free for the taking!

Commission of plagiarism will not only cause you to receive a zero on the assignment (and fail the course), but could result in expulsion from the college. Avoid plagiarism at all costs! I will not accept extra credit submissions from students who submit plagiarized essays. As per the syllabus, a Turnitin score of above 39% constitutes prima facie evidence of plagiarism.

Create an original, "grabber" title for your essay and number your pages. Provide an introduction and a conclusion in your essay. Use the third person voice only. Do not use "I," "me," mine" "we," "our" "your," "you," or "us." It is possible to express your opinion in the third person; editorial writers do this sort of thing regularly.

Use the past tense, as one always should when writing about history--the past-- and stay away from the dreaded "false" present tense that inexplicably has become so popular in history documentaries. Avoid slang--that you must also avoid vulgarity should go without saying. Remember to carefully proofread your papers for spelling, grammar, factual content, and overall clarity. If writing is a challenge for you, I encourage you to visit Darton State College's fine writing center well ahead of the paper due date.

You will need to do this since there is usually a backlog of papers at the Writing Center. Answer all of the following questions in the order provided. You need not restate the questions; simply write your responses in paragraph form and in complete sentences. You should devote approximately a typed page for each response. Please do not write out the questions.

1) According to Korb, what religion did most of Palestine's inhabitants practice in the year one? What were some of the dietary restrictions and important rituals observed by the adherents of this religion? Does Korb provide any rationale for these practices? Why or why not?

2) What did it mean to be "unclean" in Palestine during the year one? Was there more than one type of uncleanliness? Explain.

3) What were the lives of women like in Palestine during the year one? In what ways were women restricted? What rights, if any, did they enjoy?

4) According to Gary Wills (in a quotation from Cicero), what constituted the "extremest penalty" in first-century Palestine? Why? Please provide numerous and pertinent details in your response.

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History: What did it mean to be unclean in palestine during the year
Reference No:- TGS02448599

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