
What did alaric and his goths do in greece

Assignment: The Transformation of Rome

1. What did Emperor Constantine do with the Edict of Milan of 313?

2. What were bishops of the empires largest cities called? What were bishops of the most prestigious Christian communities called? Which three cities had highest "prestige"?

3. How did Matthew 16:18 -19 in the Bible give the place of Peter's death (Rome) a special meaning and the Bishop of Rome a special place in Church?

4. What was the Christian teacher Arius (founder of Arianism) maintain about Jesus?

5. What did Constantine call together in 325?

6. How had Christ actually felt about the body?

7. After Christianity became official, instead of martyrdom, what became the new path to sanctity?

8. What did the words monasticism (and monk) come from? How did early monks live?

9. Instead of celebrating sexuality, in a revolutionary shift, what was now preached as the highest spiritual standard?

10. What did Emperor Theodosius do in 391?

11. What happened only 15 years after Theodosius removed the statue of the goddess of Victory from the Senate house?

12. What was happening to the Greek east part of the Empire?

13. What was happening to the Latin west part of the Empire?

14. Who were the "barbarian" foederati?

15. What did the Romans permit the Goth refugees (escaping the invasion of the Huns) to do?

16. What happened at Adrianople in 378 CE?

17. What did Alaric and his Goths do in Greece?

18. What happened in 406 CE?

19. After sacking Rome in 410, what did the Goths establish? Who remained in Italy?

20. Where did the Vandals end up going?

21. What happened in Britannia in 410?

22. What happened to the last Roman emperor in the West, Romulus Agustulus (in 476)?

23. What two things declined in the West?

24. What was Jerome's greatest contribution?

25. What was St. Jerome among the first to argue?

26. What did St. Ambrose rebuke Emperor Theodosius for doing?

27. What did St. Ambrose argue should be the motive and goal of human conduct?

28. What basic question did St. Augustine ask?

29. What did St. Augustine think all evils that plague the world were a result of?

30. Who did Augustus see as the two opposing societies within mankind?

31. What did Boethius devote special attention to?

32. What did Boethius conclude about human happiness?

33. What daily routine (cycle) did Benedict establish for monks?

34. How did Cassiodorus ensure monks had access to the necessary reading (which he made a list of) from easy to hard?

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History: What did alaric and his goths do in greece
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