1. A circular hovercraft is to levitate at a gap height of 2.5 mm after picking up a payload. The hovercraft has a diameter of 58 cm and a mass of 2.5 kg including the payload. Given an air density of 1.17 kg/m3 and gravitational acceleration of 9.8 m/s2, determine the pressure in Pa and the volumetric flowrate in m3/s required to meet this target gap height.
2. A lift fan has been selected which can generate 150 Pa at a volumetric flowrate of 0.05 m3/s. Given a vehicle mass of 2.5 kg and a circular planform shape, what diameter should the hovercraft deck be to operate at this condition, and what will be the resulting hover gap height? Assume the density of air is 1.17 kg/m3.