
What diagnosis should a therapist give her


Alex is an 18-year-old Hispanic female who just started her freshmen year of college at a large state university near her hometown. Alex has always been a shyer, more inhibited child, so to help ease the transition to college, Alex's parents convinced her to live at home for the first semester. In reality though, Alex's parents wanted to keep a watchful eye on her because they started noticing some concerning behaviors including erratic sleep patterns and engagement in "unusual activities" as her parents articulated. They reported that Alex has been very secretive and that whenever either of them knocks on her door, she immediately shuts her computer. One night, her parents noticed Alex's computer open on the table and when they clicked on the minimized tab, they found that she was communicating with several men on an escorting website. When her parents approached her about it, she quickly dismissed it, providing a verbose and confusing response as to why she was on the website. Her parents have continued to notice this "all over the place speech" as they put it, adding that it's nearly impossible to have a conversation with her anymore because "she talks a mile a minute and makes no sense." Her grades have also severely declined and after receiving her first semester transcript, Alex spiraled into a period of immense sadness, expressing feelings of hopeless and inadequacy. Her parents tried everything to cheer her up, but nothing worked. She just wanted to sit inside her room and zone out in front of the television.

If we can get Alex to go to therapy, what diagnosis should a therapist give her? Include the F-code.

Describe the symptoms that Alex displays that relate to the diagnosis you chose. Make sure you identify behavior that relates to criteria of a - c of the diagnosis.

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Reference No:- TGS03424213

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