What diagnosis is consistent with jordans presentation

Problem: What diagnosis is consistent with Jordan's presentation and history? A 6-year-old male, Jordan M., presents with his mother to the clinic with a 6-week history of coughing and wheezing. He has not had routine well-child visits due to lack of health insurance. He is up-to-date on his vaccines and his mother would like to establish care. His mother reports the coughing and wheezing has been steadily worsening over the past several weeks during the winter season, but have gotten significantly worse over the past 2 weeks. He coughs throughout the day, and wakes up several times a night during the week. In the past week, he has used his albuterol inhaler daily for cough/wheeze, and sometimes it is so bad, he feels like he cannot breathe. He has gone to the ED twice in the past year for coughing and wheezing, was treated with nebulization treatments with significant improvement in symptoms. He was discharged home with an albuterol inhaler, 5-days of oral steroids, and instructions to follow-up with PCP. He has never required hospitalization. His mother reports he is a very active child and loves to play soccer, but in the past 2 weeks, he has not been able to



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Reference No:- TGS03436631

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